
Portable Acquisition System

? Portable multi-channel data acquisition system

 Portable multi-channel data acquisition system

YMC 9096 Dynamic and static strain testing system



  •  4 channel combination plug-in, can work alone as a 4 channel strain collector, USB interface;

  •  Support up to 96 channels, insert any combination;

  • Support strain differential input/IEPE input;

  • Sampling frequency:20 k - 100 kHz parallel sampling;

  • Support IEPE sensors  (IEPE Mode)

  • Support strain input, Fixed bridge (10v), differential input;

  • Built-in Gain(adjustable), overload indication;

  • lProvide testand analysis software; suitable for multipoint strain and vibration test;

YMC 9216S  Portable 16 channel dynamic data acquisition and analysis system

Remote testing and Controling振動傳感器|振動激勵系統(tǒng)|振動分析系統(tǒng)


  • Input channels:16;

  • Input type:IEPE/V, ±10 V.

  • Sampling rate:100 kHz/CH;

  • Input :24 AD;

  • Output :2 chs,24 ;

  • Windows 7 operating system, touch screen, can be directly testing and analysis;

  • Interface, USB, LAN, through USB, LAN, WIFI, remote network control control;

  • Provide the corresponding test and analysis software, remote testing and analysis software;

  • Size:240 ×140 ×280 mm

  • Weight:about 5 kg

  • Suitable for field test and analysis;Remote testing and monitoring.

Impact Hammers Modal Hammers